A Life of Service: Steve Smith Feeds the Hungry and Serves with Heart

Steve Smith has logged more hours — 3,288 — than any other St. Francis Seraph Ministries (SFSM) volunteer. But that’s the last thing he wants to talk about.
“It’s not about me and how I can pat myself on the back,” Steve says. “I’m here because others need something and I’m trying to help provide it. If I’m washing dishes or scrubbing the floor, that’s what I’m going to do — just meet the need at any given moment. That’s the way the Franciscan philosophy is.”
Steve has been meeting our guests’ needs in the Mother Teresa of Calcutta Dining Room since 2019. A retired vocational counselor for the State of Ohio, he helps serve dinner three days a week. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, he came five days a week to ensure we could continue to provide nourishing meals during that difficult time.
He enjoys the fun environment at SFSM and likes helping out alongside other volunteers. After many years of working professionally with people dealing with addiction and mental health issues, Steve has a deep understanding of some of the challenges many of our guests face.
What drives him above all is his faith, which compels him to serve those in need.
“People ask me, ‘Why do you do this?’” he says. ‘I say, ‘Well, do you remember a guy called Jesus?’”
A parishioner at St. Monica St. George, Steve draws inspiration not only from the Gospel but from the Old Testament, as well. As he reflects on the way many of our guests are viewed by the wider world, he recalls a passage from Leviticus:
“When an alien resides with you in your land, do not mistreat such a one. You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; you shall love the alien as yourself …” (19:33-34)
“I’m not there to judge,” Steve says. “A person comes in. They’re hungry. They want to eat. Our job is to feed them as best we can, then try to help the next person who comes through the door.”
For 3,288 hours — the equivalent of more than 137 full days — Steve works with the staff and the other volunteers to do his part to make sure that everyone who comes through the door receives a hot meal and a warm welcome.
On behalf of all of us at SFSM, thank you, Steve, for your commitment!